1. No Legal Advice. This website is a public resource containing general information about the Brewer Law Office. All information contained on this website is general in nature, and none of it constitutes legal advice. You should not rely on any information presented on this website as you would rely on legal advice given by an attorney. You should not use any information contained in this website as a substitute for consulting an attorney. Similarly, you should not consider any information contained in any resource provided through our links as legal advice.
2. Case By Case. The short statements regarding employment law appearing on the "Did You Know" and "Employment Law" pages are very general, and reading them is no substitute for speaking with an employment attorney. These general statements are subject to many exceptions, exemptions, nuances, and defenses. Each matter must be considered and analyzed individually and on a case by case basis.
3. Linked Websites and Documents. The links provided on this website are simply informational resources offered for your benefit. The Brewer Law Office does not endorse any of the linked sites, does not make any recommendation concerning those sites or the documents linked, and cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information contained in the linked sites or documents.
4. No Attorney-Client Relationship. Sending an email through this website to the Brewer Law Office does not create a contract or an attorney-client relationship. The office does not guarantee that the information contained in any e-mail you send via this website will be protected by the attorney-client privilege. Therefore, send e-mail through this website only as an initial point of contact and do not transmit information you wish to keep confidential.
5. Jurisdiction. Kathleen A. Brewer is licensed to practice law only in the State of California and is not qualified to answer questions about the laws of any other state.